• ONBAO 2025-02-10
  • Select your language
  • +82 54-772-3347
    Local language
  • 요석궁
  • Yosukgung
  • Restaurants/Cafes > Korean Food
  • Gyo-dong Gyeongju-si Gyeongsangbuk-do 59-1
  • distance [서울]from 277.2km
Many famous people including the last prince of the Chosun dynasty, established politicians, the prime minister of Japan, ambassadors, and former and the current
president of Korea have visited Yosokkoong and have widely complimented on its cuisine and atmosphere.Yosokkoong has over two hundred years of history and through
hardships and many challenges, has endured to successfully maintain its Korean traditional architecture. Yosokkoong aims to provide full value and satisfaction through a
total cultural cuisine experience presented in a restored and sustained 'Hanok' (A Korean traditional house] which allows for satisfaction of the five senses. What is more,
Yosokkoong tries hard to integrate all its elements such that not only its food, but also its plates, uniforms, lights, and music among other attributes come to symbolize it In
its entirety.