• ONBAO 2025-02-07
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New Zpingping is more stable and easier | Can upgrade after removing current version
[onbao.com] An upgraded version of Zpingping, a VPN service for foreigners in China, was recently released.

The upgrade version of Zpingping is more stable and easier to access and use than previous versions.

With the release of a new version of Zpingping, the existing version of the service will be discontinued.

Since last year, Zpingping has been offering free VPN service to foreigners such as Chinese Koreans.
Download Zpingping's new app | Android version
You must uninstall the old version app before installing the new version app.

Download and install Zpingping's new version app installation file using the domain below.

☆ Download address ☆

☆ Google Play Store ☆
How to use Zpingping
You can access the service by opening the Zpingping app and signing in and logging in and touching the icon in the lightning bolt.
Comment 3
  • tianxia ㅣ2018-03-08 14:36
  • 다운은 되는데 핸펀에서 인스톨이 않되네요
  • 만리장성 ㅣ2018-12-18 01:08
  • 담당자님께
    6개월 결재하고 사용중인데 계속 업데이트를 하라고 해서 삭제하고 다시 했는데 옛 버전이 뜹니다

    어떻게 하면 되는지요
  • zpingping ㅣ2018-12-23 01:36
  • zpingping@naver.com으로 연락주세요.