【K】France Travel-Saint paul de vence[프랑스 여행-생폴드방스]아틀리에/Atelier/Workshop/Côte d'Azur/French Riviera
The place where we arrived on the road to the west was Saint fold vans. This place is filled with two eyes of the southern Mediterranean Sea and the North Alps. There is a mysterious alleyway of gray light with medieval history that seems to have stopped at the entrance. There are small studios with nice signboards, each with different colored stories that stop the travelers. I entered one studio. It is a unique picture of something different. The richness, the joy, and the relaxedness of Cote d'Azur are captivating to my eyes.
"And you wanted a very lively feeling. And a very French part. There's a French flag here, too. This is also a symbol of French beaches, but it was also in Côte d 'Azur. It's a small tent where the rich go in and change clothes before swimming. There is also Promenade des Jeuglères in Nice. People are riding their bikes and playing with children, and it's like this. "