▲ Kim Jong Un during an on-site visit in May to a terrapin farm near the Taedong River in Pyongyang . Image: Rodong Sinmun

[Daily NK] The manager of a terrapin farm sitting near the Taedong River has been executed following a field guidance tour from leader Kim Jong Un in May. The official was reportedly shot to death after it was exposed during Kim’s visit that water supplies to the tanks were inadequate, Daily NK has learned.

According to local sources, Kim lashed out at everyone present during the inspection, rebuking all present officials for their failure to normalize production and calling their explanation of electrical, water, and equipment problems as root of the issue “nonsensical complaints.”

“The manager was shot and killed after the Marshal (Kim Jong Un) made his field guidance tour to the terrapin farm near Taedong River in Pyongyang,” a source from the capital recently told Daily NK in a telephone call. “He was executed because some of the tanks were not adequately supplied with food and water, leading to the death of a lot of terrapins.”

News of this execution was cross-checked with two additional Daily NK sources in the capital.

“Some parts of the farm weren’t able to receive water in a timely manner because of the lack of electricity. That fact in conjunction with food shortages caused all the baby terrapins in the facilities to die,” he explained. “Because it was the babies that ended up dying and not the adult ones--had someone within the ranks tried--the manager probably could have evaded execution.”

Still, he added that many felt it “would have happened regardless” in order for the young leader to “set an example.”  

Following a massive purge and execution of high level officials, more Party cadres are going out of their way to express their loyalty to Kim, according to the source, who explained that this is directly reflected in the terrapin farm incident, whose mismanagement only came to light because a lower ranking official reported it to the Central Party.

Upon hearing news of the farm manager’s execution, some justifiably question how the official could have possibly kept operations sound without a sufficient power supply, criticizing the cadres who leaked the information.

“This is an incident wherein terrapins died because of [no] electricity and then a person died because of the terrapins,” he said, reflecting sentiments held by many residents.

Despite outrage over the execution bubbling beneath the surface, the source said that people are taking extra precautions not to land themselves in hot water, especially given that the incident unfolded directly following an onsite visit, which featured prominently in the Party-run publication Rodong Sinmun, by Kim Jong Un.
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